FEEL IT! (P.2)

Bismil  Allah
Alhamdulil Allah


It took me time to realise that sand is sand
It took me time to realise sand cannot be gold

As we detach from what is wasting our time and energy
As we detach from what does not add value to our wellbeing

We become free

A life worthy to be lived can be worthy only
if its purpose is to please Allah SWT, The One who bestowed us with this life in the first instance

If our lives become focused on fulfilling the above, unhappiness will not have place in our hearts
It may visit us now and then, but surely will not settle in our hearts

As we grow older, time's value increases
the objective of this life should be clearer, we may take wrong turns, but the direction should be right

As you realise that no one is perfect and all setbacks in life can be value adds then you will be free

As you realise how imperfect and weak you are, you should become sure of the perfection and strength of Allah SWT, this should be enough to give you joy and smile with trust in Allah SWT

As you learn to smile, in shaa Allah a feeling of lightness will overpower you as you will realise that it is not you who is carrying the world but you have a Rabb Who is in charge of all the affairs and no leaf turns without His Will. So you will be light

You only have to move, you only have to do harakah with Allah SWT's guidance and barakah will not miss you

There is a plan for each one of us, we may walk together but our stories are different and this is the beauty of this journey

Yes, this journey
Do not forget that the story does not end here and in shaa Allah you want the end to be the beginning of something much better
Subhanal Allah

To Allah SWT we turn our hearts and thereby devotion, trusting in Him all our lives, all our affairs

Our mind, we do not allow to wonder, we return to Allah SWT with constant remembrance, otherwise we will become slaves of our thoughts and this might distract us from our path towards the pleasure of Allah SWT and a residence in the best neighbourhood, below the Throne of Allah SWT, in firdaus al ala

No one has seen tomorrow
Death is as close to a healthy one as to a sick one
What is apparent may not be the reality

There is only one reality that is worth living by and that is to know who is Allah SWT and then working to please Him; as you realise the sweetness in this remembrance, this constant return to Allah SWT, then maybe you have already tested the sweetness of paradise

Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen

Wa Salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.

Bismil  Allah
Alhamdulil Allah

My journey

As you go through this life
For a moment, stop and ponder over your existence
Why have you come here?
Where do you stand now?
What is the purpose?
This is a beautiful journey if your focus is on yourself
This is a worthwhile journey
If you discover Who is Allah and who you are
If what you see around is darkness, then turn inwards
Al Khaliq has blessed you with a heart to understand the reality and the transitory nature of this life So why do you worry?
Your mission is very straightforward, to please Allah with what you have
Out of your nest, you will have to fly
Heavens you have to reach with ease or pain
When the world around pleases you, you smile
When the world around causes you pain, you smile and you move forward
If you have searched happiness in the smile of others, you are bound to cry
If the pleasure of Allah you strive for, happiness and tranquillity will be placed in your heart
Alhamdulil Allah will be  uttered with sincerity and  gratitude
No pain will be here to stay, patience will heal the wound and you will smile again
Like a bird, you will fly
No one will be able to stop you because your gaze would be towards the heavens
You will keep flying with vision and focus
Knowing your purpose and destination
Darussalam you will reach
In shaa Allah

Alhamdulil Allah
Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah


Bismil Allah

Alhamdulil Allah

Talking to my Creator

With my naked feet, I walk talking to my Creator, Al Khaleq

In this world full of superficiality and judgement

It is in Allah that I find the consolation and the hope as He is Al Wadood (The All Loving) and He is Al Fat'ah (The All Opener) and Ar Rahman (The All Merciful, The Owner of Mercy)

Who is what, I do not know...

I have failed to understand and judge the people, hence I turned my gaze to Allah, Who is Al Lateef Al Khabeer, Who is the The Most Gentle and Knows the secrets of the hearts

Friendship I used to hold in high esteem, but disappointment made me realise that this world is a jungle, who is my friend and who is my enemy only Allah knows

Sweet words we all use, we all express high emotions, and I question how truthful we are?

We look around and we see greed and we start running with others

Technological advances, whats up and messages have started to become our connection means

Time for each other we do not have

We have our commitments and we just want to fulfil those

Beyond the duty of call, I do not want to stretch neither my hand nor my feet

Out of my comfort zone, I do not want to come out

We are wired ...electronically

I wonder how connected are our hearts?

As I question the actual reality, I ask Allah to show us the truth as the truth and to make us follow it and to show us the falsehood as falsehood and to make us avoid it, ameen ya Rabb al alameen

Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al Alameen

wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.

Bismil Allah
Alhamdulil Allah

360 degree travel

From caravans to planes
From camels to cars
From Makkah to Jerusalem
From Arabia to the different corners of the earth...
I hear the echo...
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar...
...Haya alal falah...haya alal falah...
I see people running to the souk...
I see people running to sign the deal of the year...
I see people running to catch the flight...
Oh Allah,...we heard all the calls...
We also heard haya alal falah, but we missed the main call...
Haya alas salah, haya alas salah
We became slaves, yes slaves
Slaves of pleasure, slaves of money, slaves of power, slaves of greed
We forgot the most noble slavery
Lailaha ilal Allah
We were ready to rule the world...under the banner of Islam
We were conquering the hearts, minds, lands under the rule of the Prophet SAW
under the Caliphates of Abu Bakr RA, Omar RA, Usman RA, Ali RA
but we lost the Light, we let the Qur'an be recited without understanding and reflection
We started to count the number of complete recitations of the Qur'an
But we forgot to count the lessons
We forgot to apply the lessons
Allah opened His doors wide, wide open in the last third of the night
But subhanal Allah, we preferred to be sleeping on those blessed hours
in the hope of waking up in the morning to beg to an abdal Allah, a slave of Allah
We became so blinded that we lost the light and slowly the fitrah, our natural disposition became covered with the dirt of our sins...
We stopped differentiating the truth from falsehood...and then we asked...
Why is this happening to me???
Oh slave of Allah, time is running...but stop, for once, stop! Think...take a step back...and run...like you never ran before...fafeerru ilal Allah...run to Allah...run to His Mercy...run to His Forgiveness...run to His door...run to His salah...and create the silah, the connection with your Allah, your Wali
Subhanal Allah, the response will not be delayed...it will be at the speed of your truthfulness.
Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen
wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah


Bismil Allah Alhamdulil Allah

My mirror: what did I achieve?

We are approaching gradually the end of Ramadan

How has been the journey, dear traveler?
The caravan is reaching in shaa Allah its destination

The objective of fasting is for us to achieve taqwa, for us to become muttaqeen!
Did we reach it?
Taqwa is a very vast concept and achieving it might mean different things for different people
For some it might mean having more sabr
For others might be being more compassionate towards others
For some it might mean leaving some sins which have been committed consistently
Now is the time for reflection and also time to make additional amends
Has my taqwa increased?
How can I increase it further in the last two days?
You are your best judge, ask yourself!
In shaa Allah with the end of Ramadan, we want in shaa Allah a new rising, a new beginning of life
We want in shaa Allah to turn our gaze towards the pleasure of Allah SWT, in every word that we utter, in every step that we take, in every decision that we take,
As we say in shaa Allah see you next year beloved guest Ramadan, we seek Allah's forgiveness with the beautiful duaa of forgiveness and pardon for the lailat ul Qadr:
اللْهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
Oh Allah verily You are The Pardoner, You love pardoning, pardon me
We magnify, glorify and praise Allah SWT and we ask Allah SWT to change our qadar.
What better way to change our qadar than with the above duaa of Pardoning as recommended by the Prophet SAW to his wife, our mother Aisha RA.
Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen
Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.


Bismil Allah

Alhamdulil Allah

Attach to Allah SWT, Your Wali

As I ponder through the concept and feeling of friendship

I question its reality

I question its truthfulness

I realise then, that there is only one friendship where there will never be a disappointment and that is the friendship of Allah SWT, Walyat Allah

This friendship is the most reliable in every moment of your life, during your last moments of life, at death and after death, up till beidhnil Allah paradise

Having witnessed the reality of a death of a loved one in front of my eyes not too long ago, I realised that at that moment how helpless we, family had become

We knew that at that moment, it was the person, her deeds and Allah SWT

Upon us was to ask Allah for the best end for our dear one, Subhanal Allah

Of all the relationships, probably the one least trustworthy is the friendship to a human fellow

What is friendship?

Can you define?

Subhanal Allah, no!

However I go back in time and I remember the "famous" friendship between two men which marked the history of Islam

Prophet Muhammad SAW and Abu Bakr RA, Subhanal Allah

It touches me, when I think about that moment where the two brothers in Islam and two friends were hiding in the cave on their way to Madina

Please read the extract of that moment in the lives of Abu Bakr RA and the Prophet SAW:
 "...the men from among the polytheists of Makkah were at the cave and could easily have seen the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) from where they stood.

The Prophet (SAW) said to Abu Bakr (RA): “Be not afraid, surely Allah is with us.”

It was not for his own life or safety that Abu Bakr (RA) was concerned – his entire life up to that point in time had proved that it was the safety of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that was important to him; his worry was out of concern for the Message and the Messenger!

Abu Bakr (RA) later reported: “While I was in the cave, I said to the Prophet (SAW), ‘If one of them were to look underneath his feet (the cave lay below where the Makkans stood), he would see us.’ The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘What do you think, O Abu Bakr, about two, when Allah is their third?'

The Prophet (SAW) had taken every measure to ensure that every part of their journey was carefully planned. A believer makes his best effort for the sake of Allah and then relies on Allah (SWT) for the fruit of his efforts. This is the sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet of Allah (SAW).

The polytheists however looked at the cave and saw upon its opening a spider’s web and near the entrance was the nest of a bird in which there were eggs. Looking at the spider’s web that looked untouched and the bird’s nest and eggs which lay undisturbed (they would have been sure to have been trampled upon where they were if someone had entered the cave), the polytheist Makkans concluded that nobody could have entered the cave in the past few days and left.


Allah (SWT) says about this in the Quran:
“If you help him (Muhammad SAW) not (it does not matter), for Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two; when they (Muhammad [SAW] and Abu Bakr [RA]) were in the cave, he (SAW) said to his companion (Abu Bakr [RA]): “Do not be sad (or afraid), surely, Allah is with us.” Then Allah sent down His sakinah (calmness, tranquillity) upon him, and strengthened him with forces which you saw not, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowermost, while the Word of Allah became the uppermost; and Allah is All Mighty, All Wise.” (Quran Surah 9, ayah 40)

Allah’s ‘soldiers’ work against falsehood and for the Truth; the spider and the bird were Allah’s soldiers just like the small birds that destroyed Abraha’s army as it advanced upon the Ka’abah in Makkah more than 53 years before!

Allah says in the Quran (Surah 74, Ayah 31):
“And none can know the hosts (armies, troops, soldiers) of your Lord but He.”

Thus Allah showed the polytheists of Makkah that it was not them who had the upper hand. Despite their best efforts they were unable to execute their own plan to perfection."

This is real friendship for the sake of Allah SWT, subhanal Allah.

There was no blood relationship between the Prophet SAW and Abu Bakr RA, but there was truthfulness in their friendship. And that was the secret of this lofty friendship, Alhamdulil Allah.

Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen

Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah


Bismil Allah

Alhamdulil Allah

wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah

In search of goodness
As I look at the world outside me,

I see sometimes smiles, sometimes laughter, sometimes tears

I see sometimes suffering, sometimes pleasure

I see sometimes abundance, sometimes scarcity

I see sometimes humbleness, sometimes arrogance

Then I ask myself

How should I behave?

How should I respond?

How do I gather my thoughts?

How do I gather my heart?

What do I believe in?

Then I find the response!

I believe in Allah, Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

So all His actions are filled with Mercy

Allah, Ar Rahman Ar Rahim is Merciful all the time

This is one of His attributes

This gives me the assurance that my job is to live in accordance to His commands

and He will make clear to me the reality of each and every situation

I realise that success is from Allah SWT

I realise that success is in obeying Allah SWT to the best of my ability

The world keeps changing, people's behaviour is unexpected and changes

People's emotions' change

So what does not change?

Allah SWT is Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

and it is under the shade of this Name that I want to live my life

People can change but In shaa Allah I will only change towards coming closer to Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

and I ask Allah to make me more forgiving and compassionate towards others

Ameen ya Rabb al alameen

Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen

wa salato wa salamo

ala Rasulil Allah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله

Get your focus right!

Subhanal Allah, as we try, with the help of Allah subhana wa t'Ala to live a good life, there are important considerations to take into account and put into practice:

First, have faith in Allah and this will be possible only if you know who is Allah and you are able to see His actions in your daily life. Be sure, He is your Walyyi. Honestly, you cannot have a better friend than Him. He is not going to leave you or deceive you. His actions are between justice and generosity.

Second, Shaytan is your enemy. He wants to break you, make you sad, make you complain about your situation and others; spoil your relationships with good people.

Third, If you want a peaceful life, then try to work on getting your relationship with Allah right, by having taqwa and tawaqul and relying and expecting less from people. Allah SWT will sort out all other relationships in your life.

Fourth, Avoid running after dunya, after people of dunya, I mean do not run after power, prestige or money. Run after the pleasure of Allah, even when working. Stop competing in an unfair way. The moment you realise that at some point in your life and you do not know when, you are going to be heading towards the graveyard. That should put things into perspective. I am not saying this to make you sad. I ask Allah SWT to extend, to prolong our lives in goodness and with His complete Mercy. Like you, I want to live and in shaa Allah I want to live a goodly life and I ask Allah for a good end and for a tranquil soul.

Honestly, it took me time to realise but maybe and I hope in shaa Allah I have really realised that: the more you focus your attention towards the akhirah, towards pleasing Allah, the more Allah will sort out for you your dunya and akhirah. Honestly, this is beautiful. I have seen it and I am witnessing on a daily basis. And I notice also, Allah, Ar Rabb how He tried to put me back in track when He sees i am loosing focus and starting to turn to dunya and my desires.

It is beautiful, when we start being taken care by Allah, Al Walyyi.

I ask Allah to bless you in this beautiful day of Jumuah and that He releases from every burden that is making your back heavy and that He becomes you Walyyi. 

Ameen ya Rabb al alameen

Jazakumul Allaho khayran
Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen
Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

الحمد لله

Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah

At Your door I sit all the time…

At Your door ya Allah subhana wa t'Ala, I sit all the time

I am a beggar without shame in front of you

What the world thinks has become secondary

Your pleasure is what comes first

Life has become meaningful as I have started to know you

I realise my hopes are long and there is dunya in me too

But in remembering you I find solace

All my worries vanish for real

I know the solution of my problems is in your taqwa

Tawaqul in you gives me the assurance of your help and victory

My aim to be fair in my dealings with your creation

My ideal to be generous in my dealings with your creation

Your Generosity, I do not have words to thank for

الحمد لله

Your love I witness in the way you have dealt with me

The people you bring in my life, the situations you create, the family you have given me

الحمد لله

The destiny you decreed for me is beautiful

My destiny is not about what I do not have but about what I have

سبحان الله

You have given me so much

الحمد لله

That if I be in sujood all day, I cannot thank-you enough

Love and care from loved ones

Above all, your love, your compassion, your forgiveness are the beautiful gifts I witness all day long

On this blessed time, I ask you, ya Allah subhana wa t'Ala, to bless all my needy sisters and brothers and to relieve them of their difficulties and to grant them peace, ease and fulfilment of their needs and good wishes

They are your servants, you can give and forgive as you are Al Wahab and you are also Al Ghafoor Ar Raheem

الحمد لله

Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah

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