Surat Al Fatiha
Quran Outline
The purpose
of this breakdown is to see the surahs of the Quran in an ‘outline’ format.
This facilitates the way of seeing the flow of the ayat, and it helps to
remember the words, in sha’a Allah.
Surah Al Fatiha – The Opening
(سورة الفاتحة)
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ
ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (١)
ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (٢) ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ
ٱلرَّحِيمِ (٣) مَـٰلِكِ يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ (٤) إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ
نَسۡتَعِينُ (٥) ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٲطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ
(٦) صِرَٲطَ ٱلَّذِينَ
أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ (٧)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
the Merciful (1) All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the
'Âlamîn (2) The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (3) The Only Owner (and the
Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (4) You (Alone) we worship, and You
(Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything). (5) Guide us to the Straight
Way. (6) The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of
those who earned Your Anger nor of those who went astray (7)
Begin the surah: In the name of Allah (بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ)
o Who
§ The
Most Gracious (ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ)
§ The
Most Merciful (ٱلرَّحِيمِ)
All praise to Allah (ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ)
o Who
§ Lord
(رَبِّ َ)
· Of
the Universe (ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِين)
§ The
Most Gracious, The Most Merciful (ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ
§ Owner
· of
the Day of Recompense (يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ)
§ What
do we do?
You alone (إِيَّاكَ)
§ We
worship (نَعۡبُدُ)
And You alone (وَإِيَّاكَ)
§ We
seek for help (نَسۡتَعِينُ)
§ What
do we want?
Guide us to the Straight Path (ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٲطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ)
Which path? The path that: (صِرَٲطَ ٱلَّذِينَ)
§ You
bestowed Your grace (أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ)
§ Not
of those who earned Your anger (غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ
§ And
not of those who went astray (وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ)
Virtues of Surah Al Fatiha
– The Opening (سورة الفاتحة):
Revealed as a Light from the
Heavens : Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: While Jibril
was sitting with the Messenger of Allah
he heard a sound above him. He lifted his
head, and said: "This is a gate which has been opened in heaven today. It
was never opened before." Then an angel descended through it, he said:
"This is an angel who has come down to earth. He never came down
before." He sent greetings and said: "Rejoice with two lights given
to you. Such lights were not given to any Prophet before you. These (lights)
are: Fatihah-til-Kitab (Surat Al-Fatihah), and the concluding Ayat of Surat
Al-Baqarah. You will never recite a word from them without being given the
blessings it contains." (Muslim, Book #9 Hadith #1022)
![Description: صلى الله عليه وسلم بخط النسخ](file://localhost/Users/awatifalhashimi/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.gif)
None Like it: The Messenger of Allah
“Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, did not reveal in the Tawrah or the Injil anything
like Umm Al-Quran (Al-Fatihah), which is the seven oft-recited, and (Allah
said) it is divided between Myself and My slave will have what he asked for.”
(An Nisaee, Hadith #914)
![Description: صلى الله عليه وسلم بخط النسخ](file://localhost/Users/awatifalhashimi/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image004.gif)
Divided Between Allah and His
Slave: Divine Hadith: The Messenger of Allah
said: “Allah the Blessed, the Exalted, said: I
have divided the prayer into two halves between me and my slave. One half of it
is for Me and one half of it is for My slave, and My slave has what he asks.
![Description: صلى الله عليه وسلم بخط النسخ](file://localhost/Users/awatifalhashimi/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image006.gif)
The slave says: Praise be to AIIah, the Lord of the Worlds.
Allah the Blessed, the Exalted, says: My slave has praised Me.
The slave says: The Merciful, the Compassionate.
Allah says: My slave has spoken
well of Me.
The slave says: Master of the Day of the Deen.
Allah says: My slave has glorified Me.
The slave says: You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.
Allah says: This verse is between Me and My slave, and for My slave is
what he asks.
The slave says: Guide us in the straight Path, the Path of those whom You
have blessed, not of those with whom You are angry, nor those who are in error.
says: These are for My slaves, and for my slave is what he asks.” (Malik, Book
#3 Hadith #188)
What do we actually mean by this short utterance الحمدلله?
- Praising, thanking and Magnifying Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) because of His attribute of perfection which revolve around his compassion and justice.
- We should say Alhamdulillah while being filled with love for Allah
- We should feel extremely grateful, Allah is Al Adheem
- He(سبحانه وتعالى) is always grateful
- How grateful should we not be for His abounding blessings upon us!
- All praises are due only to Allah(سبحانه وتعالى)
- No specification of subject, of time, of space
- This utterance covers the heavens and the earth
- This utterance fills the balance
- This is one of the best duaa
- We are actually praising Allah’s names , actions and attributes
- Allah is Wahed, Allah is Al Ahad
- “Rububiyah”, Allah is our Creator, Master, He is controlling all our affairs and everything
- “Uloohiyah”, Allah is the only One we worship
- Allah is the One who created this deen for us, the “shariah” that we are supposed to follow
- Our fitrah, natural instinct calls to One Lord
· First time Alhamdulil Allah was mentioned when Adam (alayhe salam ) sneezed
· Allah(تعالىو سبحانه) honoured Nuh AS by calling him Abdan shakurah because of gratitude to Allah despite the difficulties he did undergo in preaching Islam
· Say Alahmdulil Allah in all situations
- In goodness
- In difficulty
· Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen for all that is in the universe
- See a blessing of Allah in everything, whether good or apparently bad
· Allah(سبحانه وتعالى) loves us to praise Him and thank Him
· If we are thankful to Allah, Allah(سبحانه وتعالى)will be pleased with us
· Keep remembering Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) (and ِالحمدلله Allah is a beautiful remembrance of Allah’s favors upon us)
· For everything there is a reason, (so trust in Allah and say الحمدلله Allah)
· All creation do tasbih that is they say الحمدلله Allah.
الحمدلله Rabbi al aalameen
November 2013
from Ar Rabb
Follow the Quraan and Sunnah
We should be perfect slaves of
Allah. When Allah has planned everything, then why should we worry
We have to wear the cloak of
Rububiyyah and surrender ourselves
Gives tarbiyyah to obey Him
more, run behind Him more and understand His Book
Tarbiyyah to make dua by
calling to Allah as Ar Rabb
As Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) has
told us that slave has tasted the sweetness of faith who has accepted Allah as
Root: Mulk
Meaning: to own, to tie, to have control of
Allah Al Mulk
He created everything and
everything is under Him
Nobody is above or better than
Allah in controlling everything
He has the command and power to
do or not to do
He has all the control over everything
Allah Al Ghani, He doesn’t need
anything from anyone
Everything He does is Wise,
Just and True
Allah Al Mulk Al Maalik Al Haqeeqee
(Allah, The King, The True Owner)
All the real ownership is of
Allah. The possession we have is limited and tied to time
Ad-Dhaat- He commands and
Al Fa’aal- He tells us what to
do or not to do
Allah is Al Ghani (Self
Sufficient). Allah has key to all the treasures. And He is perfect in His
Attributes. He does not need anyone’s help even with the strongest of His
Creation, The ‘Arsh
His control never expires, our
mulk is temporary
He has control of creating,
commanding, guidance, honor and giving life from nothing.
Difference between Maalik and Malik
Maalik is The Owner, whereas Malik is The
Maalik (Mentioned 2 times in Quraan)
Al Malik (mentioned 5 times
in the Quraan)
*Specific, stronger for *General, responsible to
protect everyone overall
what He owns
what He owns
*More Gentle, soft and kind *
General possessions of things
*Does Tarbiyyah and Teaching *Just
* Much more Power and Control
17th November 2013
Allah, ArArRabbRabb, Tarbiyyah
We should all strive to live upon the following:
Al Innabah: going back to Allah every time
Khashyah: the more knowledge you have of Allah, the
more you will fear Him
AtTawakkul: to humble for Allah sake by surrendering
AtTawwakul: Dependent
ArRaja: Trust
Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala) is ArRabb, The Creator
having all Quwwa. He is AlMulk, He knows everything, everything is in His
hands (The Reward, Recompense and Punishment). The same Rabb is also Ar Rahman,
and it is because of this Mercy He sent down Messengers and Books as to guide
us all towards the right path.
The path which asks us to first and foremost asks us
to submit ourselves to Allah, to become His slaves.
Slavery of Allah is of Two Types:
‘Uboodiyyah ‘Aammaa: This
includes everyone, every single human is a slave of Allah whether he knows or
‘Uboodiyyah Khaassa:
This is special slavery, these servants of Allah are His special slaves who
willingly submit themselves according to His will.
Allah takes great care of His slaves and does their
Tarbiyyah (Nurturing). This can be seen in Surah Al Fatiha, Allah teaches us
how to ask Him and what to ask Him.
Tarbiyyah is of 2 Types:
Tarbiyyah ‘Aama (also called as
At-Tarbiyyah for dunya)
is a general form of Tarbiyyah
and is specifically for this Dunya for all that He created. Allah
(Subhana Wata’ala) being Al Khaliq, Al Malik, Ar-Razziq, Al Mumin,
As-Sayyid and Al
Malik nurtures and gives to all His creations all the time.
An example of this kind of
Tarbiyyah can be seen if one reflects on the birds which go early in the
morning every single day to get food for themselves or their young ones.
At-Tarbiyyah Khaassa
This is a
special Tarbiyyah of Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala) and it includes the following:
Al Hidayah (General Hidayah,
Hidayah Irshad, Hidayah Tawfeeq and Hidayah Maseer)
‘Ilm- making our road to Paradise
Al ‘Amaal- deeds
Al ‘Uqool- nurturing our minds
Al Quloob- nurturing our hearts
protects His special slaves from doing sins and gives them success. This type
of Tarbiyyah is reserved for the believers, Aulia and ‘Ibad ArRahman, all
three titles given to honored slaves of Ar Rabb.
Tarbiyyah is a very important notion that needs our attention and
understanding. Allah is nurturing and caring for us even when we do not realize
it, He is planning everything for us (Taddabur), He guides us all and He is above
10 November 2013
AthThaat (Lord)
Maa’bood: One we worship
The Master
Mulk: The King
Khaliq: The Creator
Afaal (Actions)
Muddabir: The One Who Plans
Al Arbab: Nurturer
Al Malik: The Owner
Mun’im ArRaziq: The One Who Gives Rizq (Blessings)
Musleh: One Who does Islah (Created everything and then guided them in the
right wau, taight us how to live our life.
Qayyim: Takes care of everything
Attribute which Join the ArRaab as Lord & Actions :
ArRahmah: The Most Merciful
Covers our faults, forgives
Karam: The most Generous
is the Rabb of all things. His attributes of ‘Athim, Jalaal, Barakah, Rahmah,
Quwwa, Sitrah and Maghfirat all point to His Oneness and Glory. We can never
understand His Power, how He controls and monitors even the tiniest of His
creatures all the time. Everything is under His Hukum (Control and Order). Everything
belongs to Him, He is the Real Owner. We cannot even claim the ownership of
something as small as paper even that only belongs to Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala).
is a list of Names of Allah which come under Allah as Ar Rabb:
Al Khaliq
Al Baari
Al Mussawir
Al Hayee
Al Hayyee al Qayuum
Al ‘Alim
As Sami Al Baseer
Al Hadi
An N’am
An Naafe’ Ad-Daar
Al Muqdim Al Mukhir
Al Mu’tee Al Maane’
Al Qaader
Ar Rabb
Linguistic Meaning of Ar Rabb (refer to Updates about ArRabb)
As Sayyid
Our Master and Lord
Al Malik
Owner. We don’t own anything in this dunya, even thought we might think
we own it, but we are not its true owner, we follow rules even to use
something as small as a pen. Who is the real Owner? Who can do Anything
He wishes with Any creation in this entire universe and beyond? It is
Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala) alone!
Al Musleh
One who takes care. Takes care of everything from the big things in
life to the small minute things which we overlook or might neglect.
Al Qayyim Al Mun’am
One Who gives us all the blessings. Blessings include tangible and
intangible both. Our house, clothes, food, water, cars are all example
of the blessings which we can see and feel. Iman, Taqwa, guidance,
contentment are all examples of the blessings which we do not see nor
feel but they are Haqq!
Al Muddabir
The One Who Plans and Creates everything
Al Murrabbee
The one Who Nurtures.
In Arabic Al Murrabbe is referred to Father, hence linguistically it includes the following:
In Arabic Al Murrabbe is referred to Father, hence linguistically it includes the following:
· Caring
· Protecting
· Education
· Discipline
· Nuture
· Planning
· Shelter
· Food
· Clothing
· loving
father is expected to have the above traits, however the real Nurturer
is Allah, because His nurturing is perfect and not at all comparable to
humans. Eg. Ar Rabb as Murrabee can be seen in the fact how the food
reaches the baby whilst he is in his mother’s womb at the right time in
right proportions
Al Ma’bood
The One we worship
Shar’ee Meaning of Ar Rabb
Rabb Al Arbaab
Rabb of everyone. There is no one over or above Him.
Malik Al Mulk
Real Owner of everything. He owns whatever that is in the Heavens and whatever that is in the Earth.
Ma’bood Al ‘Ibaad
The One we worship. The only one truly deserving to be worshipped is Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala)
Khaliq Al Khaaliq Raazaqhum
Creator of Everything. If you look at the table the raw materials made
to construct they are all natural, they all have been created by Allah
(Subhana Wata’Ala).
20th October 2013
Topic: Surah Al Fatiha-Al Hamdullilah
we say Al Hamd it has:
No Subject
No time
No place
covers All time, All creation and All place. “Al” in AlHamdullilah is:
Istaghraaq: (creatures from past present and future)
Istahqaaq: Alhumdullilah is not limited to or for any reason, We
thank and praise Allah without there being any need to do so because He is
worthy of such thanks and praise.
Hamd includes
1. Madh:
a. Madh is to praise. When we praise a human it
usually for a reason, but Madh in Al Hamd does not need a reason, we say AlHamdullilah
without a specific reason behind it.
b. In Al Hamd the Madh (praise) is always alive.
c. Praise for humans is not generally
encouraged in Islam, but in Al Hamd praise is encouraged.
2. Shukr:
a. We always say “Thank you”
for a reason to other humans. However in AlHamdullilah we are thanking Allah
(Subhana Wata’Ala) not for a specific thing rather because of Glorifying Him (Taa’zeem,
Jalaal Allah, Kamaal Allah) for no other reason but for Zaat Allah.
October 2013
Topic: 7 Important Parts of Surat Al
- 1. Tawhid: Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah and Asma was-Siffat
- 2. Iman on Day of Judgement: “Maalikee Yaum Ad Deen” Ayat 4
- 3. Rusul
From the Ambia, there are chosen Messengers: Every Rasool is a
5 Messengers as olu Azm (higher levels)
a. Nuh (‘AlayheeAsSalaam)
b. Ibrahim (‘AlayheeAsSalaam)
c. Musa (‘AlayheeAsSalaam)
d. ‘Isa (‘AlayheeAsSalaam)
e. Muhammed (Salallahu
‘Alayhee Wassalam)
Rusul in Surah Al Fatiha comes in Ayat
6: “Eehdeen as Siraat al Mustaqeem”
This Sirat (Path) can by reached by following the Quran and Sunnah.
Also Rusul comes in Ayat 7: “…Alazeena an’Amta ‘Alayhim…”
Allahs blessings were on the following (whom we should follow):
a. Al Anbia
b. Shuhada
c. Siddiqeen
d. Saliheen
This Sirat (Path) can by reached by following the Quran and Sunnah.
Also Rusul comes in Ayat 7: “…Alazeena an’Amta ‘Alayhim…”
Allahs blessings were on the following (whom we should follow):
a. Al Anbia
b. Shuhada
c. Siddiqeen
d. Saliheen
4. Angles
Malaaika: examplealso found in Ayat 6: “Ehdina asSiraat al Mustaqeem”
The Angels are on the straight path too.
5. As-Shariah: Shariah are
the laws which comes in Sirat al Mustaqeem. These laws are derived from Quran
and Sunnah
6. From Surah Al Fatiha we
have learned people are of three types:
a. An ‘Amta ‘Alayheehim:
Nabi, Shuhada, Siddeeqeen and Saaliheen
b. Al Maghdoob: comes from
the word Ghadab menaing Angered
c. Ad-Dhaleen: lost or astray
7. Adaab ad Dua: We start the
prayer by thanking Allah, praising Him, Grlofying Him, using His beautiful
Names. We use our ‘Ibaadah as waseelah.
Al Isti’aaza
billahi minashaitan ar rajeem”
must say Isti’aaza before reciting the Holy Qura’an so that we may be protected
by the whispers of the shaitan.
is short form of ”Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim”
Allah’s name protects us. Bismillah is a blessing from Allah if said before any
action we do. It has Allah’s two beautiful Names : Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim. It
is specific to the action you do, for eg saying Bismillah before eating or
wearing clothes. It is always recited before the start of any Surah (except
Surah An Naml) and also at the start of a Khutbah (sermon).
components of Bismillah are:
1. Allah: Worshipping
only Allah. It includes
Mahabba (love of Allah: is main)
Ta’adheem (Glorfying)
Tam’aa (Greed)
Khauf wa Rajaa (Fear and Hope)
Thul (humiliate yourself)
Ta’adheem (Glorfying)
Tam’aa (Greed)
Khauf wa Rajaa (Fear and Hope)
Thul (humiliate yourself)
2. Ilah from Al Walah: heart going
towards Allah out of love
3. Al Mahboob: completely to
submit oneself to Allah.
September 2013
Topic: Surah Al Fatiha
An Overview of Surah Al Fatiha
Al Fatiha: 7 verses, 25 words, 123
in the first 3 verses
in Verse 4
Mu’amlaat and ethics in the last verses after Verse 4Hence it has the following:
Al Fatiha also has the 3 components of Tawhid:
Ar Rububiyyah in Surah Al Fatiha: Ayat 2: “…Rabb Al’Alamin”
Al Uluhiyyah in Surah Al Fatiha: Ayat 5: “Iyyaka
Al Asma WasSiffat in Surah Al Fatiha: Ayat 3- “Ar Rahman Ar Rahim”
Al Fatiha is also called Umm al Kitaab (Mother of all Book), the whole Quran is
summarized in Ayat 5 “Iyyaka Na’boodoo wa Iyyaka Nasta’een”. It is a gift and
noor from Allah (Subhana Wata’Ala).
is also called As Salat because our Salat is not complete without the
recitation of Surah Fatiha in it. It teaches us how to supplicate. It is Surah
Al Hamd, it is Shifa/Ruqya.
is not known for certain whether it is Makki or Madani Surah, however the
stronger opinion is that it is Makki Surah.
was revealed after Surah Muddathir and before Surah alMasad.
are 3 types of people mentioned in Surah Al Fatiha:
1. Those upon whom is Allah’s
2. Maghdoob: those upon whom
is Allah’s anger and in turn all creatures are angry on them
3. Dhaleen: those who are
lost or misguided
Heart of Surah Al Fatiha is “Iyyaka Na’boodoo” (Ayat 5). Ibn Masood (RA) use to
say that if we take Surah Fatiha as Umm al Quran and put beside it any other
Surah from the Quran, we will find Surah Fatiha will have everything which is
in the other Surah.
Al Fatiha teaches us Allah’s Names and Attributes, how to Glorify Allah.
Al Quran is a
miracle of Allah, Kalaam Allah (Direct speech), descended to Prophet
Muhammed (pbuh) by Angel Jibreel. The whole Quran was revealed to Sama ad
Dunya- Bait al Izz, and from there the revelation came down to Prophet Muhammed
(pbuh) in parts as and when needed.
Quran means to RECITE/COLLECT/ READ. QURAAN It is:
Separates between Truth and Falsehood
-AlBurhan: Evidence (stories of previous nations, Day of Judgment)
-AlTanzeel: revealed from above
-AlHuda: guidance
-Mubarak: blessed
-AshShifa: cure for all doubts, diseases and problems of life
-Salvation: it is al Sirat al Mustaqeem, map to Paradise
-AlBurhan: Evidence (stories of previous nations, Day of Judgment)
-AlTanzeel: revealed from above
-AlHuda: guidance
-Mubarak: blessed
-AshShifa: cure for all doubts, diseases and problems of life
-Salvation: it is al Sirat al Mustaqeem, map to Paradise
Challenge of
Allah (Subhana
Wata’Ala) challenges mankind and jinn:
a. To bring anything similar to Quran
b. Bring 10 Surahs
c. Bring 1 smallest of its Surah
Virtues and
Benefits of Quran
Mahar Quran:
struggling for Tajweed and Tafseer. Rasool Allah (SAW) told us that us we
struggle for Tajweed and Tafseer, you get the Darajah of Kiraamim Bararah
(Angels who are with the Quran at Lawhe Mahfooz).
In another
hadeeth we have been told that if we understand and ponder on Quran, Allah will
give us more than what we can imagine, in our Dunya and Aakhirah.
The Quran will
either be a witness for us or against us
Quran cures many diseases, For Eg, Reciting Surah Al Fatiha cures diseases if recited with full faith.
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