Thursday, April 10, 2014

AlQalb AlMotam'in. Sound Heart


Sound heart. Qalb motmaain 

القلب المطمئن

Sound heart is peaceful heart with belief and certainty. It has light and it's attachment to the Creator is strong. Sound heart is pure heart. It's transparent heart. It's clean and healthy heart. It's pure from shirk bidaa sins doubts or being heedless. Sound heart is humble heart which repents constantly to Allah. Sound heart has no grudge or hate or envy or arrogance inside. Sound heart is a gifted heart from Allah. It's heart which is mokhbaat to its Lord meaning down to earth fearing Him remembering Him and pleasing Him. Allah grants a believer with His fadl and karamat when believers  are certain in their faith some of which are shiffaa/cure in heart from all it's diseases- hidaya/guidance life after being dead in heart- light after being dark- love & beautify of faith and hate of disbelieve or disobedience and many many more. Sound heart is not achieved unless it constantly remembers Allah by heart and tongue. Barak Allah feekum

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